How to visualise Digital Earth Africa Coastlines in MAP

How to visualise Digital Earth Africa Coastlines in MAP

Digital Earth Africa Coastline service is a vector dataset that provides free access to more than 20 years of shoreline changes rates and location across the African coast to support sustainable coastal areas management.
  1. Go to  using your preferred internet browser.
  2. If accessed for the first time, close the welcoming screen by clicking on the X on the top right.

      3. You can change the interface language by clicking on the EN button on the top.
      4. Click on Explore map data. In the Data Catalogue, click on Coastal> DE Africa Coastlines. Click on Add to map at the top right corner or on the + icon next to the layer name.

      5. Center the map to your areas of interest, either manually by zooming in or dragging (left click) or by searching by location. A graph should appear when you click on the map on a dot that       displays change rate values in teh top left box. You can expand the chart and download data in CSV format by clicking on the yellow buttons within the information box. The red dots indicate the points where the coast has been eroded, the blue dots the places where the coast has gained on the sea. The white dots represent the places where the changes are negligible.

      6. When zooming in on a location, the host spots points and rate of changes will be replaced by the annual shoreline positions. The continuous lines represent the good quality shorelines (sufficient cloudless imagery during this year), and the dashed lines represent the shorelines with lower quality (insufficient cloudless imagery).

For more detailed information on the Coastlines service, please go to [Docs page link]