How to add Digital Earth Africa Coastlines Web Services to QGIS

How to add Digital Earth Africa Coastlines Web Services to QGIS

Digital Earth Africa Coastline service is a vector dataset that provides free access to more than 20 years of shoreline changes rates and location  across the African coast to support sustainable coastal areas management.

This dataset is distributed via OGC-compliant web services that can be consumed by QGIS. The procedure below explains how to import Coastlines into QGIS 3.10.5.
Note that only the WMS service will display the same symbology as the one in Digital Earth Africa Maps, not the WFS.
  1. Open QGIS.
  2. Click on Layer > Add Layer > Add WFS Layer for features or Add WMS/WMTS Layer for raster

      3. Click New 
      4. Enter the name you want for the  layer 
      5. Copy  the entire following addresses in the URL box
  1. for WFS:
  2. for WMS:
      6. Click OK
      7. The new name should appear in the server connections drop down menu
      8. Click Connect
      9. The list of available layers should appear

      10. Select the layers you want to import by using the combination Shift + left Click
      11. Tick the box “Use title for layer name”, if applicable
      12. Click add
      13. After some time layers will appear in your table of content