YES! A notebook named "Coastlines" has been developed to do just that. This notebook will demonstrate how to load, plot, and conduct a simple analysis using the `Digital Earth Africa Coastlines <>`__ product. You can find it under the Datasets ...
Le service Digital Earth Africa Coastlines est un ensemble de données vectorielles qui fournit un accès gratuit à plus de 20 ans de taux de changement du littoral et de localisation de la côte africaine pour soutenir la gestion durable des zones ...
Digital Earth Africa Coastline service is a vector dataset that provides free access to more than 20 years of shoreline changes rates and location across the African coast to support sustainable coastal areas management. Go to ...
Le service Digital Earth Africa Coastlines est un ensemble de données vectorielles qui fournit un accès gratuit à plus de 20 ans de taux de changement du littoral et de localisation sur la côte africaine pour soutenir la gestion durable des zones ...
Digital Earth Africa Coastline service is a vector dataset that provides free access to more than 20 years of shoreline changes rates and location across the African coast to support sustainable coastal areas management. This dataset is distributed ...
Sept 2021- Feb 2022: DE Africa Sandbox Large Instance Trial The Digital Earth Africa Sandbox is a cloud-based computational platform that operates through a JupyterLab environment. It provides a limited, but free compute resource for technical users ...
All satellite data and derived products cover the whole of Africa. However, the amount of usable cloudless data and time depth may vary locally. Several options are possible: It is often helpful to know the coordinates of one of the points in the ...
Pour exporter les données enregistrées dans la sandbox, veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous: Cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur l'objet à télécharger sur votre ordinateur dans la table des matières pour afficher le menu contextuel, ...
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