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Appel à candidature pour l'accès à de grandes Sandbox - 15 cœurs de calculs et 120 Go de mémoire
Chers utilisateurs de la Sandbox, L'objectif principal de DE Africa est d'améliorer la vie des Africains grâce aux avantages et aux impacts des informations créées par DE Africa. Cet objectif appelle des utilisateurs de plus en plus sophistiqués et
Call for application for access to large sandboxes - 15 processing cores and 120 GB of memory
Dear sandbox users, The key goal of DE Africa is to improve the lives of people in Africa through the benefits and impacts of information created by DE Africa. This goal calls for increasingly sophisticated users and uptake of DE Africa capabilities,
spectral response after rainfall
For the site listed in the Table below, attached are spectral trajectory plots over time for Sentinel 2 spectral bands 2 (green) and 9 (SWIR2). The plots for bands 1, 2 and 4 are similar to 3; and 8 is similar to 9. In the plot for band 2, you’ll see
saving contents of as an image
We have the locations of a number of trial plots. We would like to be able to adjust the locations, as sometimes the location identifies other than the centre of the plot. displays a selected area on an interactive map. The code segment:
Digital Earth Africa Live Session #62 - Mangrove forests monitoring is out! | Surveillance des forêts de mangrove est disponible!
In this video, Edward is showing us how we can use Maos and the Sandbox to monitor the mangrove forests. Dans cette vidéo, Edward nous montre comment utiliser Maps et la Sandbox pour surveiller les forêts de mangrove.
Newsletter Digital Earth Africa Sandbox - décembre 2021
Ce fut une grande année pour la Sandbox Digital Earth Africa. Notre attention portee sur le matériel de formation, les ensembles de données et les outils pour l'analyse des données satellitaires a produit du nouveau contenu pour tous - que vous soyez
Digital Earth Africa Sandbox Newsletter - December 2021
It has been a big year for the Digital Earth Africa Sandbox. Our focus on training material, datasets, and tools for satellite data analysis has produced new material for everyone - from beginner and advanced users. Take a quick look to see what you can
Digital Earth Africa layers in your QGIS environment - Images satellites et services de Digital Earth Africa dans votre environnement et workflow QGIS
Did you know that you can visualise and integrate Digital Earth Africa layers in your QGIS environment and workflow in a few clicks? Using Digital Earth Africa web services you can integrate DE Africa layers with other data on your computer, such as drone
Live session - Wednesday 1st December - Mangrove forests monitoring | Session en direct - Mercredi 1er décembre - Surveillance des forêts de mangrove
Are you interested in the blue economy or the preservation of coastal areas? Join the live session on Wednesday December 1 and see how Digital Earth Africa can help monitor the evolution of mangrove forests along the coasts of the African continent and
Digital Earth Africa Live Session #61 - Rainfall anomalies notebook, is available! During this session Digital Earth Africa technical Manager, Edward is flying us through the rainfall anomalies notebook that can used in parallel to phenology, NDCI or water extent related notebooks. This notebook uses the
Notebook for extracting data from the ODC
The Notebook, " .../Real_world_examples/Scalable_machine_learning/1_Extract_training_data.ipynb", extracts training data means for the polygons specified by the geojson file. For example, # class blue green red nir swir_1 swir_2 red_edge_1 red_edge_2
Free live sessions!
Did you know that you can take part to free live session every Wednesday? Digital Earth Africa Live Training Session Join our course organizers in a free weekly 1 hour live session. The sessions are a friendly and open environment where anyone can ask
Live session #60 - crop mask and phenology, is now available!
In this session, Digital Earth Africa's Earth Observation scientist and crop mask developer, Chad, talks , and discusses with the audience, about using NDVI, Radar vegetation index, crop mask accuracy, and how they can support crop and vegetation phenology
Septembre - Novembre 2021: Test de l'accès une instance de calcul Sandbox DE Africa plus puissante
Nous testons l'accès à plus de ressources de calcul ! En plus de l'instance Sandbox standard de 16 Go, vous pouvez désormais utiliser une instance de 32 Go. Veuillez sélectionner la plus petite instance qui convient à votre flux de travail afin que nous
Sept - Nov 2021: DE Africa Sandbox Large Instance Trial
We are trialling access to more computational resources! In addition to the regular 16 GB Sandbox instance, you can now use a 32 GB instance. Please select the smallest instance that suits your workflow so we can allocate resources efficiently. Check
Can I do quick differences with indices in Maps?
DE Africa Map ( is an interactive interface that allows you to view and compare the different datasets available on the platform. But you can also create difference with indices - in the GeoMAD, currently - to better
Digital Earth Africa Maps is now available in French!
Please refer to this article, if you want to see how to swap language